Tuesday, May 17

Hari Guru


Back in the day, every time 16th of May comes and it falls on school days, surely there are people who give presents to their teachers. From primary to secondary school, it grew into some sort of business and a creative bunch of students start a service to give presents to your favourite teacher anonymously on Teacher's Day.

After you finish high school, all the excitement disappears abruptly. But the spirit lives on. We are and will always be grateful for what our teachers taught us. Teachers who showed us the way to walk properly. Teachers who tirelessly correct our mistakes and remind us to be a good person. Teachers who stick with us through thick and thin. And because we have all these great teachers, we are who we are today.

I can't thank enough to all those who've helped me through this course of life. From my early kindergarten teachers at Assunta and Tabika Kemas, my primary school teachers at SK St. Thomas and SKBF, my secondary school teachers at SMART and MCKK to my tertiery level teachers at INTEC and finally Monash University. Not to forget everyone else in between who tutored me, scolded, nagged and pulas perut to make me learn my mistakes and not to repeat them. By teachers, I refer to everyone who in any way have guided me in my life learning process.

May The Almighty bless you amazing people and may you continue to do wonders with your lessons.


Ace said...

Teachers are so important - I think they're so undervalued!

Farhanah Diman said...

I finally understood how important the engagement between educators and students is. Only after I entered uni did I start appreciating the presence of my school teachers truly. I think teachers back in schools actually care about their students' successes even more than lecturers. Ugly truth. :\