Sunday, June 19

Hari Bapa Se-Malaysia

I remembered a time when I was angry with you and after we got out of the lift, I quickly went to a corner and just stood there, sulking, with my arms wrapped around my face, covering the sad expression I tried to contain cause it was un-cool. I didn't remember why or what made me became that way, but I can't forget what you did after.

When everyone else had given up trying to make me feel better, you never did. You went and you came back. You checked on me almost all the time. You asked me what's wrong even though I just sat there sobbing to myself. It's almost 3 hours or so and yet you still remained. Perhaps because it was You, perhaps because I'm familiar with your presence so I took the advantage and continue on with my arrogance. I didn't want to give up! I want to see how far are you willing to go to persuade me. And you went all the way. In the end I gave in. You're very persistent, and I'm grateful for that. I guess that's one reason why you're You. My Father.

Then there's this other time when we just moved from our old house to the hill. It was my birthday. And back then I loved Power Rangers so much that I asked for the Megazord as my birthday present. I knew we're tight on budget at that time. You just got transferred and still adapting to your new work. Yet I was a child at the age of 7 and I can't simply brush off my desires. After pleading for several times and came to conclusion that I won't be getting my present, you came back and surprised me with the gift you brought home. We didn't have any grand celebration or anything. And you played pretend as if there's nothing going on. Maybe, you saw my longing look at the toy whenever we were walking around the toy section in the shops. Or maybe, you planned it all along just to see my reaction when you actually brought it home. But whatever you did, you did it great. 

When I thought things aren't going to happen, you made things happen. When I was feeling down and angry, sometimes at myself, you're there to console me and cheer me up.

You'll always be someone I'll look up to. No matter what other people said, I believe what you did, was for the sake of all of us, your family. You showed me the example of the good and the bad. But humans are never perfect. To me, having you as my father is perfect enough. Thank you 'Ti' for being there. Thank you for all the things you've done.

Happy Father's Day. Or rather, Happy Ti's Day.

-From your son, away from home who misses you and everyone else so much.


Cinta moCha said...

Hahaha.. Hasif kuat merajuk.. :O.. Mesti comel gila time kecik".. :p

NazneenNajib said...


Anis Hadi said...

So true..No matter what, he's the best Ti ever :D