Tuesday, October 28


common questions asked by someone when they discovered their friend has a blog,

'ko ade blog?'
'ko tulis pe kat blog tu?'
'apsal ko tulis blog?'

'why do you write a blog?'. the question that has many different answers, when asked to many different people. personally, for me, i began writing blog as i want to record any events which occurs in my life that either changes it, or my views of it. that way, perhaps later when i looked back at the post, it reminds me of who i was. the blog will become a personal notebook, where a biography of myself was scribbled in.

every well-known figures have their own biography books, written by other people. Tun Mahathir, Sultan Ahmad Shah, George Bush, Mahatma Ghandi etc., all have their own life story documented and read by others. being a regular person out of more than 6 billion people on earth, who's going to write about me? yeah, that's what i thought. no one.

that's why i write a blog. maybe when i have my own family, and my children ask me about my past, i can tell them, 'go to http://blablabla...'. although it's not recommended, still, at least they have a place to look for it.

however recently, my view of blogs changed. blog not only serves as a place for me to record life events. it has become a place for me to updates on my friends. now that all of us goes our separate ways, their blogs keeps me posted as to what is happening around their lives. and that's one more reason for me to keep on blogging.

so, 'why do you write a blog?' maybe you can answer that in your own blog post. cheers!


Anonymous said...

kalau kau tanya aku, aku blog sebab aku nak tulis sesuatu. oh, refleksi juga boleh dijadikan sebab.

Anonymous said...

why i blog?

Anonymous said...
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~Biotech Boy~ said...

sbb saje2..
wat ilangkan rase bohsan dijiwa..

Izham Ismail said...


its been a while. welcome back bro.