Wednesday, January 21

congratulations and condolences

while writing this post, i am currently watching tv1, 'saluran informasi anda' which is showing the live show of Barack Obama inauguration under the topic, 'Amerika di mata Malaysia'. a lot of remarks and critics were said in the discussion between the host and the guests. at the moment, the president-elect, or maybe now, president of United States of America have just arrived at the white house, marking the beginning of the ceremony.

What i am going to highlight here is, will the future of US shift towards the better with the inauguration, or will it remains where it is? The new president will have to shoulder a lot of weight on his back, with the global economic problems, the Middle East affairs, the country's unshakeable stand behind Israel's action and many other things that only the president himself knows. not to mention the pressure from everyone globally that expect him to mend all the damages done by the previous president. Everywhere around the world, people are celebrating his inauguration as it truly is a historical ones, since he is the only first ever black president for the US.

congratulation Obama, on your election last year, and now, on your inauguration as the president of United States of America. I hope you will really make changes as soon as you assume the position.

meanwhile, when everyone is happy for the president, i would like to express my condolences to BN on their loss during the K.T by-election. perhaps it is a little too late, but it is only now that i have the opportunity to write what i have in mind all this while. actually, i heard news regarding the by-election, which was speculated as the main reason to the BN loss. It was related to a person well known in the party itself.

you have power, but its not yours to use
you have influence, but you don't put it to good use
you're young and you're ambitious, but unfortunately you have no vision.

those are the words which reflects my opinion on the person.

a malay saying used to describe him is 'duri dalam daging'. some others said he's like a parasite, destroying his host, here and there.

as for me, i have no personal remarks or such, but i do hope he would re-think his actions, and consider slowing down in reaching his objectives, for it is not bad to put the sky as your ceiling, but a proper approach must be followed to achieve it.


Iskandar said...

hai author..good post up there..
anywhere..i was witnessing his inauguration..and the university was damn chaos with all the cheers and cries by students. Americans hope Obama could bring something to the States and yeah.the inauguration was the most expensive ever..He seems to bring a new life to US. I felt somehow lucky to see his inauguration as i'm being here now:)

Anonymous said...

just to let you guys know, condolences to enzo too as his father had passed away on the morning of 20th Jan..