this is my new desktop wallpaper. i edited the picture i took during my stay in the city, to visit my friend and to send my laptop for repair. i don't know why i like the picture, but i just felt like it means something.
maybe some of you already know this, but this tram is like the oldest model of all the trams used nowadays. and its for free! probably because it doesn't have any machine where you can punch the ticket. i assumed back in the old days, they still have a conductor going around in the tram, collecting money from everyone and giving them tickets. just like what we have back in malaysia(some of it).
anyway, i love the picture and melbourne did a good job by maintaining their old trams model, as it becomes one of the attraction for tourists who came here. i know there are other places which have their own trademarks in public transport. for instance, the double decker buses in uk, the toto in thailand and we even have our own back in malaysia, the 'beca'. though its mostly available around the northern part of the country.
yes, development is indeed a good thing, and having new and modern transports definitely provide huge benefits, but its not wrong to keep some ancient vehicles at the same time. it brings back memories.
kat melaka ade beca gak.. =3
train or tram? [referring to the title]
well, to be exact, its actually train on roads, but yeah you made a good point. it should be trams. thx for that! cheers!
thx syafiq for that information. i think malacca did a good job by doing that. :)
wah photoshop master.
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