Saturday, January 20


after more than a week the school starts, it seems like a year has passed by. that's what one of my friend told me. the reason? i dun know. but he said, it due to the load of works that we received from school. at first i didnt get what he means. but then i realized. maybe the reason is because although its only a week, but the assignment and work that we received is almost equal to a 1 year's coursework.
wooo... maybe...............if we're still in middle school. but i guess everything's changed now. we're not kids anymore, we're not in secondary form, we're not studying for spm. we're studying to live a better future. we're studying to achieve our dreams. we're studying all for the sake of ourselves. after one semester in a new environment, i look back at the past. i thought about how there are many of us studying together, cracking our brain solving questions, the same one, n how we lit up the midnight oil, all for the same purpose. getting the best results for the final big exam. but after that... everyone split their own way. some went to the left, a few others to the right... many got their chances and took the straight road. but we werent heading for the same place... some are going to become doctors, some engineers, some businessmen, and many more. but still.... even if we led our own different life... one thing will still remain the same... that is the bond that keep us together.. few of my friends have already flew to study abroad. but they still keep in touch with their friends here.

one thing that came to my mind when i think about this is.... people changed.... they do and we can never stop it.... but even if they do... there will be something that cannot be changed... and it never will... that is the past... the past that the people shared together with their family, friends, companions, loved one or anyone. although in the future we go our separate ways, but we still have the past that will keep us bonded to each other....

haha.... i guess this post can be a bit emotional if u read it.... but it's just what im thinking at the time i wrote it. nothing else. but don get me .... blah blah blaa....

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