Wednesday, February 14


today is 14th of february, though i didn't realize what the day means until someone told later this afternoon. before this, i've never really cared about what's happening on that day. but today it seems different. why? even i don't really know why. i guess it's just because i've did something that i never exprected that i would do. not until i really really want to do it. i thought that it would be much later in the future that i would such thing. and what is it actually i did?

well, i talked with this one girl, on this day and somehow i just kind of say that i like her in some sort of way. and when she asked back, i'm kinda numb for a while and i didn't know whether i should speak the truth or not. but i guess she got the message... or i hope so.

anyway, when i asked her back what she'd going to do if i did answer the question, she just kept her mouth shut and didn't say anything except showing her usual sweet smile...(really?). since i don't want to seem like i'm forcing or sumtin, i just let it be and we just have a nice chat after that.

and also, today also she wore the outfit that i told to wear the night before!! and the real reason that i tell her to wear it was because i actually think she looks pretty in it.. daa~!

what i did today was really something that the real wouldn't do... honestly. however, there's this sumkind of strong feeling which told me that if i don't do it, then i might regret it for the rest of my life.. hm.


Anonymous said...

all da best in winning dat gurl's heart..
aja2 fighting!!
hope u guys will be juz like nathan-haley..
mebi, intec's version..
[erm, too much i guess]
me weird?
i think,
some1 who replied comments @ 6AM is more weirdo..

Unknown said...

hm.. thx a lot 4 ur support. i really2 appreciate it. thou i oso hope it can be like nathan-haley.. haha..
nway, u said intec's version... so which means ur oso an intec student.
i dun mind ur calling me weirdo o anything.. but i'm really2 x 100 curious bout who u r actually... hurm.. *thinking*

Anonymous said...

u hoping 2 be nathan-haley in which part?
married happily @ haley having scandal wif chris keller?
don be curious la..
as much as u don noe me,
as much as dat i noe nothing bout u..
fair enuf isnt it?

Unknown said...

hmm... thou u said dun be curious, but it's human instinct to noe bout someone who's oftenly commenting on sumtin u wrote...
n oso, 4rm d way u said it like u've nvr saw me b4.. is dat it?
hurm... i dun noe whether it's true o not....

Anonymous said...

All the best !!! :)

Anonymous said...

i nvr saw u..
i nvr noe u..
it's up 2 u 2 believe it @ not..
me, myself is more curious who's haley in ur life?

Unknown said...

thx nadia for the wish...
as for emily, ok, i believe u if u said u nvr noe me nor it u ever saw me.
but bout the identity, it's for me to noe, n for u to find out!!
=P ~