Tuesday, February 20


often before this, i heard students in my program which is Ausmat said that their schedule was hectic this and hectic that. it makes me wonder what is it actually that causes them to say that. its not like they're the only one who took the ausmat program. why didn't the other students say the same thing?

even before this, one of my roommates said that i looked too relax for someone who's taking medic. it's like every day, i went back to the room, and all i did was lie on the bed, sleeping, played futsal in the evening, go back, take a bath, go and have dinner, went back to my room, did some nonsense talk, finish up the homework that need to be submitted tomorrow, then go to sleep.

but last week, for the first time since the new semester begins, i really felt the hectic life that they're talking about. since monday, my bio lecturer told my class on how to do a lab report and we have to submit the report on the experiment that we did last thursday. from the explanation that she gave, it seems like the lab report is more or less like an essay to me. whats with the abstract, plus the introduction and also the explanation in the discussion. also on that same week, i have to submit the chemistry lab report and there's two quizzes waiting.

not to mention, that week, class ends at 4pm everyday (except thursday, but still have to stay until 4 to take maths quiz) and on tuesday there was a forum held in the hall and attendance are compulsory. this leaves me with a very limited time to finish all the lab reports and study for both quizzes.

for this reason, i had to stay up till 6am in the morning with a few of my colleagues on wednesday night to finish all the reports that we have to submit tomorrow. the result? on the next day, i was feeling sooo sleepy in class that i've been teased by my english lecturer. luckily she was a sporting person and she didn't get mad.

nonetheless, i managed to go through the hectic week without any major problems. i finished all the lab reports, answered all the quizzes quite ok and also there is this one nice thing that happened (i'm not going to mention it here). then on friday, i straight away head back to my sister's house since the CNY holiday already started.

right now, once again i'm in the middle of the hectic thingy since next week is the time for my group to present our islamic education presentation and i haven't done a single thing. also, a chemistry test is waiting. what i'm trying to express here is that, time is precious and there's no way to catch it back when you already lost it. therefore, try to use all the time that you have beneficially and don't waste it.

ps:hopefully after this post i'll learn not to waste time anymore... amin.


Anonymous said...

u took medic?
i nvr imagine i've been disturbing msian-future-successful-but-a-bit-pemalas doctor all dis while..
all da best doc..
aja2 fighting!!
gambatte ne!!
since u hav ur haley,
there shouldnt be any probs rite

Unknown said...

erm, there's nothin to be wow about.. it's not like im d only one whos taking medic in the whole intec.
nway, thx 4 d wish.. i'll work hard to ensure dat u really r disturbing a future successful doc.
but seriously, evn in OTH nathan still hv probs thou hr hv haley right?
btw, do u hv any fs? just 2 noe u better... =)

Anonymous said...

u watch OTH too?

Unknown said...

hey, of coz i watched OTH as well...
if not then how am i suuposed to noe bout the nathan-haley thingy... aih
nway, there's nothin to be shocked about.. evn most of the people in the same floor as me also watched the series... n i think there r many teenagers out there who also followed it.
u still didn't answer my question earlier.. do u hv any fs?

Anonymous said...

i thought boys only watch lost, csi, numb3rs, heroes, etc..
so, u watched OC too izit?
i don hav fs @ myspace..
i don really layan all those carik-mmbr-baru-n-lame thingy..

Unknown said...

huh? y did u thought dat way?
yup.. i oso watch OC.. but i havent watch it lately.. sooo buzy.. no tym.
izit tru? u don hv any fs o myspace?
it seems a bit weird 4 a teenager not to hv 1.. though u said u don really lyn those kind o thing.
but im wondering... if not then how u noe bout my blog? coz im pretty sure i didnt advertise it anywhere except in my fs... hurm... 8l

Anonymous said...

lotsa things need 2 explain huh..
i thought boys didnt layan all those fancy series..
boys = my brother
so, i thought all boys same taste as him
fs? myspace?
everyone promoting themselves..
giving testi 2 some1 juz 4 da sake 2 get 1 too..
bla, bla, bla..
well, i found ur blog from 1 of ur fren's blog..
n i found ur fren's blog from ur fren's fren..
n i found ur fren's fren's blog from my cuzin..
plz don ask me who actually involved coz me myself forgot oredi..
now, im making ur blog like mine pulak..

Unknown said...

wow.. guess u really didnt see the world yet..
nway, it seems a very lucky coincidence dat u noe im an intec student.. but since u've oready xplained, ill just accept it.
do u hv any blog? wats d website?