Monday, February 12

the whole last week

i'm sure you guys or girls might have noticed that i haven't post a single post for the whole last week. the reason for it? one word. laziness. although i've said before that i will post at least 1 post everyday but i guess word are just words. its hard to actually do what we said and fulfill anything that we mentioned we want to do. but now i found a little bit of regret inside me of not posting anything last week which causes me to write this post.

since the title is the whole last week, it can be assumed that i'm going to write about what happened last week. there's nothing interesting actually except that there's a sports carnival being held at the place where i studied. it's called Ausmat Sports Carnival and the slogan was 'activate your life'. i dun even noe what it means to activate your life but i think since most of the students here are using 'Hotlink', so they just randomly took the prepaid motto as the slogan.

well, the carnival started on wednesday evening, where it supposed to be around 5 but as usual, lateness causes the carnival to start at around 6 and thus there have been major changes to the schedule that day. fortunately, the game that i was involved in starts at 6.30, so there wasnt any problems. it was a futsal match, and all i could say was that the match was a splendid one as my team managed to beat the opponent 7-2. thats it for the first match.

the next day, i'm involved in 'galah panjang' or long bamboo so called by one of my english fluent speaking friend. since i've no experience at all in this game so i asked one of the referee which was also my friend to explain a bit bout the game... and i got only a gist of it that can help me play. however, i think that day was a bad day for us(my group) since i lost that game 4-1 at the last minute. we even lost the rest of the game that we participate in that day.

on to the final day of the carnival. on this day, all the semifinals and finals for all the games will be held and since my team won the first futsal match the other day, we got into semis and fought with the other team. i'm not sure why we loss that match but i guess its because we weren't really prepared... whats with lacks of players in our team and all(serah. and especially jepah!!!<--- go dating) in the end, we lost the match 6-2 to the opponent.

then we had another match to determine the 3rd and the 4th place. we manage to get a lead of 3-1 but suddenly the sky became dark and rain started to pour down heavily. the match was postponed until further notice(dont noe when... until now no news bout it).

and thats what happened last week... thou i didnt really write the detailed version of it. our team managed to grab 1 gold for girls basketball, 1 silver for the boys rounders and 1 bronze for the boys futsal match(i think so)..... as for the rest.... we've already did our best but the luck was just not with us and we lost.

p/s: my friend's(serah) grandfather just passed away on thursday morning last week, so for any muslims out there who read this post, let us recite Al-Fatihah for the deceased... may he leave in peace. Al-Fatihah.........

1 more p/s: another reason why i wrote this post was because there someone who said i'd rather commenting than posting....


Anonymous said...

im guessing u wearing ur 'new-prisoner-look-a-like' jersey during dat match..
wanna sumthing..
luck might be on ur team if u wear arsenal jersey..
*u never walk alone*

Unknown said...

em... i dun noe whether u hv sum kind of psychic o wat but yup...
i did wore dat new jersey during d match..
n once again.. it does not in any way look a little bit like prisoner shirt ok!!
n also... luck ony is not enuff to help us win.. even if i wear arsenal jersey(juz because it's red n white)

Anonymous said...

juz now i do some googling 4 inter milan jersey..
hate 2 admit it,
but da jersey look quite nice..
i thought it was horizontal strips like prisoner shirt..
nway, i still think arsenal n liverpool hav a better jersey..
men look tough in red, not blue..
btw, hepi valentine's day!
[izit necessary? huhu~]
any special post 4 2day?

Unknown said...

hurm.. thx for spending ur time looking for the jersey and also for the compliment. i think i'll look good in any colour.. no matter red or blue.
but do u now that u're quite weird.. i rarely see anyone who would search for sumtin that's not really related to them... but ur different.. which make me wonder..
nway, hepi valentine's day as well to u!! though i don't now y is it necessary.
n bout d post... yup, i did post sumtin specially for today. u can read it if u want.. n give some comments as well!! =P ~!