Thursday, October 23

modern girlfriend

i received a picture from 'her' which i think is trying to express a typical modern girlfriend. seems like the term 'girlfriend' also moves on with time.

the picture shows that back then, one is considered girlfriend when you introduce her to your friends. and now, with the advancement in technology, someone is considered girlfriend when you write about her in your blog.

a two different approach of saying someone is your girlfriend. but one thing remains the same. making it public.

p/s: 'girl', jangan marah eh? maen-maen je.. :D


nerdnutz said...


Unknown said...

hehe.. pakai capital letter tu. de maksud pape ke~ :p

Anonymous said...


~Biotech Boy~ said...

i did it...

Unknown said...

adib, maksud ko, ko wat 2 2 cam dlm gamba tu? wah.. mmg balak sejati. haha.. bagus2.

Anonymous said...

i only did the 2nd one..hehe

~Biotech Boy~ said...

ko xphm sajak aku 2..
kalo x, ko tau laaa..

Unknown said...

gud 1 dino. at least it shows ur appreciation towards her. 1 step at a time ;)

adib, sjk pe? yg ko tulis psl moon tu eh? hm... bkn psl bulan ke? kna check blk nih.

~Biotech Boy~ said...

check n bace...

Amirul Hafidz said...

I stick with the conventional way. I don't have anything against those of you who share your private stories on blog (which, by logic, wouldn't make it private anymore), it's just that I have this idea that blog is too precious to be wasted as a private diary.

Unknown said...

i agree. blog is a public site where everyone could view, regardless they know the author or not. although private stuff wouldn't mean a thing to them, still, a writer would expect their writings to leave a mark in their readers.

papepun, its up to the writer to decide. :)

Anonymous said...

hahah..adoi la..that's exactly what happened and will continue to remain..sux innit?