Monday, October 20


i'm sure everyone is pretty familiar with the title. yes, it does refer to that song. the song that represents my country, malaysian's country, Malaysia. i don't know why i suddenly become so patriotic. maybe because of all the chaotic things happening to the country while i'm so far away that i can't experience the situation myself. indeed, what's happening right now is creating a turmoil that malaysian has never felt before. i guess unexpected things can come at the most unexpected time.

about the song. 'Negaraku', a song that's compulsary for every students (primary, secondary) to sing every time during morning assembly. a song that every malaysian should know by heart, and never forget. a song that's full of meaning, nonetheless very straightforward. still, ever since i came here (my current address), i've never once heard the song being sung by anyone. i mean, in real life. although i've been to a few events, all organized by malaysian societies, but none of them played this national song. why? perhaps it just doesnt' suit the mood. or maybe they forget about the song? nah.. don't think so.

i hope, this song will continue being played anywhere there's a malaysian. and i hope, that malaysian will never forget his roots, his home country, no matter where he is, no matter how success he's been. if we ourselves don't play our song, then who will?

here's the lyric of the beautiful song.

tanah tumpahnya darahku,
Rakyat hidup,
bersatu dan maju,
rahmat bahgia,
tuhan kurniakan,
Raja kita, selamat bertakhta.

rahmat bahgia,
tuhan kurniakan,
Raja kita, selamat bertakhta.


~Biotech Boy~ said...

dont'll always play here...even in monash here...
just because of tv n radio... =p

Unknown said...

haha.. i guess ur rite adib. klu kat malaysia pun x men gak, xtaula pe na jd da.. hehe

Anonymous said...

kat malaysia they still play it dude..but most of elders here just don't sing it anymore,they just hear it.those malaysians on foreign lands are singing this song..with different genre,even the remixed version.haha.totally messed up man.:D

Unknown said...

acap, im guessing ur referring to that guy in china who sang negaraku in a totally different way? heh..