Thursday, October 30


have you guys ever wonder that most of the things that you watch on tv actually do happen in real life? i mean, the non-fantasy kind of show. because i have.

i remembered when i was still a young boy (still am), i used to watch tv, then when something which i think could never have happened in real world appeared, i'd say, 'alaa, tipula cite ni. ngarut je. takkan la btul bleh jadi camtu. ceh.'.

that's what i thought. or used to. until one day when i watched the same scenario again, and also repeat the same words, my mother said, 'ehhh, mane s*** tau. mesti penah jadi nye. kalau tak takkan dorang na letak kat tv. takkan dorang na wat cite. haa. mende kat tv mesti betulnya.'

those words made me thinking. did it really happen? what's on tv?

now when im at the end of my teen age, i realized, those words have some hidden truth.

everything you see on tv doesn't literally happen in real life. i mean, it may not be the same situation, or people, or characters. but what's similar is the action, behaviour, thoughts, and the moral values out of it.

lets take for example, you watched a movie with characters like a 'terrible mother', a 'poor young girl' and a 'kind big boy'. the mother is a b**** that likes to hit her daughter the girl, and the big boy always help the poor young girl. watching how the mother hit her daughter and the way she behaves towards the girl makes some people would think, 'gile, takkanla ada orang na pukul anak dye camtu. kejam gle shial mak dye'. as for the big boy, people would say, 'no one is kind like that in real life. tipu laaa'.

well, here's the thing. the situation may not be the same, even the role of the characters etc., but the behaviour, the hitting, the kindness and all other stuff, it does happen. somewhere out there, while we're all enjoying ourselves watching the movie without any interruptance, some poor girl is being hit by her mother and a kind big boy is helping her out. or perhaps, it has happened in the past or could happen in the future.

so, the next time you guys watch a tv show, remember, 'what you see do happen in real life'. again, it refers to the non-fantasy like shows. terima kasih mak sebab bagitau!


Anonymous said... about reality tv?

zackzara said...

Imagination sometimes comes real, thus it happen in reality.

Anonymous said...

but still,dont't go overboard with tv.hanyut nanti..haha.:P

Anonymous said...

errr, ni entri nak suruh tonton tv ek?

Unknown said...

dino: reality tv is a show with real people. so what's on show really happened. no mistake about that.

zackzara: can't agree more...

charlie: btul2. ble da hanyut susah. baek watch out before it happens. klu x jd cam aku.

wandai: err.. not really. tulis ni lpas baru abes tgk movie. n den terigt psl mak cakap tu.