Tuesday, June 8

A Friendly Reminder

Don't thank me but thank Allah S.W.T for He has answered your prayer though you didn't ask for it or without realizing it. Say Alhamdulillah.
A friend of mine sent me this message, which left me embarrassed and thankful at the same time for he reminded me of what I forgot but which I shouldn't. Most of the time, we took for granted in what was given to us or what we achieved, without ever trying to express our gratitude to the person who gave it to us, or those who helped us get what we have today. By doing so, we assume that we deserve everything because we have put in so much effort in the beginning. As the saying goes, 'You reap what you sow.'

There's no doubt that it's true, but we tend to forget that we became what we are today also because of the people around us. And most importantly, we will never reap anything if He does not want us to. For every success and failure we made, there's a hidden message beneath them and we should be grateful for it. 

Thank you Iinul for reminding me. May this prompt me to praise Him more often, InsyaAllah.

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