Saturday, January 22

And so he left.

Yesterday, Friday the 22nd, I sent off one of my 'brothers' for two years of my stay in Clayton for his flight home. Two years ago, he went back but back then I knew I'll still see him again the following year. But this time, it was a farewell for good. I still have several years to go and he graduated successfully last year. There's only one thing I would have said if given the chance. Thank you for being my housemate for the past two years. It was a long and winding road, but a great journey nonetheless. I wish you success in everything you do and God will's it, we'll be seeing each other again in the future. By that time, I'm sure you have tons of money so I hope you won't be as stingy like before. Heh.

I listed here 3 top things I can think off the top of my head when people mention your name. They're true, at least that's what I can see from being friends with you.
1. You like to talk. A lot. Even when the situation seems better in silent, you'll always find a way to ask something. But I guess that's not all bad like it seems. I know why you do it and sometimes I myself did the same thing.  
2. You never want to lose. When we're talking about something, especially opinions, you'll always want to have your way. Sometimes when I'm in the mood, I'll play along and argue with you even though I know it won't lead anywhere. 
3. Like I've mentioned before, you're pretty stingy. Especially when it comes to food. But perhaps that's because you just love food? Anyway, there were times when you don't mind and let me take some of your food. I guess that's good in a way cause then it teaches me not to take that which belonged to others.
All in all, there are many other personality traits of yours that I can point out and they all makes you up just as how you are today. If even one of those traits were different, you wouldn't be yourself or something else might be wrong with you that day. 

I always say this to other people when I send them off for goodbye. Keep it in mind.
This is not the end of anything, it's just the turning of a new leaf.

1 comment:

Wanee said...

heyy jst found ur blog, im linking it if you dnt mind. =)