Thursday, March 10


We were basically wasting our time waiting for the next lecture since we finished our tute early. Among all the random things we can talk about, we stumbled upon surgery, mainly because previously we were talking about blood transfusion and the Jewish people. Now, not to stray from the main topic, a friend of mine, L (not real name) suddenly said he read/watched somewhere about a Jewish guy who was about to have a heart operation.

And simple logic, if you're operating on the heart, of course your heart won't work by itself anymore would it? So he needs another mechanism to pump blood to his whole body parts. What was the option then?

The surgical team decided they will use a pig, which has been proven to have quite similar features with humans, to channel the blood from this patient's body through the pig's heart and using that heart to pump back blood through the patient's body and lungs. Pretty complex huh? But it's quite simple really.

Imagine you have a sprinkler. One day your sprinkle doesn't work but the piping system supplying the sprinkler still works fine. So what to do? You get another sprinkler, attach it to the pipes, and take your own sprinkler for repair. A bad example but that's what I can come up with this time :D

Back to the case. So what's the issue here? The pig heart's got some patient's bloods running through it, the patient's body can keep on living cause the pig's heart is pumping blood and the patient's heart itself can be treated from the surgery.

But wait, remember I wrote before, a Jewish guy? It's forbidden for Jews to eat pork, let alone having bloods pumped using pig's heart! The surgical team, being very unsure, decided to ask a rabbi. My friend forgot what the rabbi said but he remembered how the case ended.

Okay to ran off the main topic a lil bit, throughout the conversation, another colleague of mine was so conscious of the pig! She kept on asking what happened to the pig, did the pig die? How's the pig going to get blood if all the bloods pumped into the patient's body? Well, a very obvious answer was given, the pig will eventually die, cause it definitely won't get any blood supply but that's another story.

Jumping back to the main story, the case ended with the patient not getting his surgery. Why? Well, the pig which the heart was to be used for the surgery escaped and was nowhere to be found. Haha... I guess the pig knew his life was coming to an end and decided to run before it really did.

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