Friday, February 2

the story of yesterday

hm... i have this one interesting story that i strongly want to share with you guys or ladies out there whos reading this blog. its about my trip to the main uitm campus yesterday....again.

well, the trip was on the evening. before that i had an english class with my english lecturer, which i think was really funny and she made lots of jokes and everyone in the class was like having fun and all. maybe before she became a lecturer she used to work as a comedian or sumtin. but its good u noe to have classes like dat. the class wont just be a boring one where everyone were feeling like falling asleep and yawning with their mouth wide open or stuff. its not like she didnt teach us anythin or what. she did but in her own way. and that makes her a special lecturer, to me at least. i wont disclose her name here but anyone from my class who read this post will surely noe who im talking about. cause its really hard to find any other lecturer who would do such jokes and behave that way.

soon afetr that, i had my maths quiz. all i can say is that the quiz was quite ok as the questions were not that difficult althou i think i could do a lot better if i studied a bit more. and i think i did a sligth mistake at the last question... duh... just forget bout dat..

ok then... bout the trip to the main campus library. i went to ptar 1 with my friend adib to find the book dat i want. after finally got hold of an opac (luckily the opacs didnt make a lot of problems today which enables me to find all the needed information faster), i type my topic for the IS and looked for the isbn number of the book. then i searched for the book and borrowed it. ok now ill skip to the best part.. adib and i decided to tour around the main campus and explore all the unexplored places that we havent been to. and so we did.... we went to canterbury shop in the campus, walked down to ptar 2, went to cempaka hostel or rather just passed by, and finally we took the indoor rapid bus to mawar college. adib told me that the highest place available inside the main campus is near that college. soon afetr we got into the bus, we realized that we are the only males around. how awkward that moment was.... i think. just imagine u with ur male friend, surrounded by all the females, its like going into a whole different place where all the residents are women.

after arriving at the mawar college bus stop, we walked towards the twin towers, as we heard that ptar 3 n 4 are over there. n then i came up with an idea.... a crazy one i think. or rather just out of mind.... i suggested that we climb the twin tower until the top.. and looked at the view from there. and we did so... with one more person accompanying us. after arriving at the top, that is the 21st floor, we looked down and we felt like a sudden urge of adrenaline just rushing through our blood going straight to our feet. and our face felt empty suddenly...with the strong breeze of wind brushing through our face making us feeling colder than we ever did before. we leap back a few steps and gathered all our courage to look down once again. this time we hold onto the wall thats dividing us and the bottom very tightly, just as safety precautions. n then we took some pictures as a memoir of us succeded of conquering the first tower of uitm main campus.

then i suddenly got this bold idea of tricking my friend. i asked one of them to take a picture of me sitting on the edge of the wall and right after they took the picture, i fall backwards onto another area that was a bit hidden but i made it looked like im falling straight towards the earth. i got a glimpse of their expression and i tell you, it was hilarious if u see it for yourself.... how i laughed my heart out that time.... and when i finally climbed back onto the other side, i was still laughing... unstoppable... haahhahahaa......

ok... thats it... enuff for this post...

from top to bottom

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