Sunday, March 11

hols with assignments??

here i am again, writing another post for my blog after almost two whole week without updating it. guess since the hectic post that i wrote last time my schedule had really become one. only until this hols came that i was able to really write something that could be posted here. okay then, bout the past two weeks. as i said in my last post, now it is my turn to actually feel how was it to have a fully packed schedule. ever since the week after i wrote the post, everything seems so jam. it's like time is moving so fast that i didnt even realize that its already passed by. and then suddenly, its already hols!! how glad i am to see it. although before that i took my maths topic test and i know for sure that ill get quite a bad marks for that test. doom! the questions wasnt that hard. its something psychological so to say. since the first question was so long, hence it affects me when im answering the next questions afterwards. argh!!! how stupid i am. how im not satisfied with the way i answered the questions!!

but all that had passed now and i cant change the past. what i should do is just accept the fact that i did badly in the test and just do better next time. that's what my friends told me. hm. nway, back to the topic - hols with assignments. as far as i remembered, before this and im referring to the time during secondary, everytime there's hols coming up, what i did was just planning what i want to do during those free times. seldomly the thought of doing homework or assignments for thats what i call it now came up. even if did thought of it, when im at home, i just didnt bothr to open it up and do it. only when im back at school that i finished it all up.

but now, it seems like hols are the only time when you actually have enough slots to finish up all the assignments. and it seems like there's not even a time for some leisure. i admit, life as a college student is hard!! i wonder how all those college students that past with flying colours results manage their time. maybe i should enter some sort of time management class? hm. but still, even if there's no time to have fun, ill make that time!! haha... no one wants to read books all the time! i'm sure even you guys out there who had piles of papers, assignments or any works to finish also need some time to break right? we're just normal human beings and humans need some time ease themselves and excuse from all the hecticness that binds them to their tables and seats all the time. from what i've learned in bio, human will use up many active ions during they're working to activate their nerve cells. after a certain period of time, they'll get exhausted and they need to transfer that used ions back to a normal level. for them to do that, they need to cool down a bit and relax their mind. thus, with all the assignments waiting for me to rumble (dont noe how to describe it.. but sort of like 'terjah' ... if u noe wat i mean) them, im going to have fun this hols!! haha... and thats it for this post. up till next time!

ps: inter was knocked out of champions league! and they even had a terrible scene of fights with valencia! how embarrassing... but still ur my fav team. haha. just keep on the good job in italian league!


Izham Ismail said...

what's a holiday without assignments rite?

Unknown said...

yup... but its just too many!! aih..

Anonymous said...

update!! update!! update!!

Unknown said...

haih... emily...
its been long since ive heard 4rm u...
its not dat i don watn to update...
but ive just been really2 bz...
like ***l!!
mebe afta dis ill try 2 find sum tym... juz keep on checking up k!
oh... n thx 4 all ur comments b4!
it really encourages me to write summore!

Anonymous said...

when i gave my 1st comment at dis blog,
the viewers was juz around 800+
n today, 1k!!
wondering y people still intersted 2 check out dis not-so-up-dated blog..