Wednesday, April 11

a week after the last post

hm.. my previous post dated 1 april of 2007 but i actually just posted it today along with this new post. guess i really do like to do all my work at the last minute. anyway, for this post i dont know what actually i want to write. i just want to write! hm...

for the past few days, i kept on thingking, i'm going to do medicine, but the way i see it, students who's going other majors studied even harder than me. will i be able to fly? that's a question i know a definite answer to and the answer is yes! i will and i'll prove it. i dont really know how am i going to achieve it but one thing for sure is that i'll do whatever it takes to enables me to gain it.

right then, after my last post, which is a week just like the title says, i've been studying quite, not hard just well enough i think that can help me to answer questions in the tests and quizzes that i'll have for this whole week. just imagine, maths and chem quizzes, chem tests and also the ies final exam. all in one week! omg! fortunately by the time i wrote this i've already finish three out of those four exams which explains why i have the time to write a post.

anyway, after the chem test tomorrow, i'd feel very relief and i think anything else wont matter anymore. hm.. as if its the final exam. one thing that makes me really happy right now is the thought of going back to my house this weekend and the chances to go to a carnival held by my old old school. besides, next week there wont be any classes for the whole week since all jpa scholars must go for btn during that whole week. well not all actually but my class is involved.

well then, that's it for now. later if i have some more time i'll be updating this blog a little more. right now it seems like time is running out on me. hurm... suddenly i remembered one of MUSE old song, 'time is running out'. =) adios!~

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