Thursday, October 16

a collage

i just finished my hall's college head dinner (ate a lot!) when i opened my laptop, surfed the net for a while, and finally, open my ym and appeared visible to all. then suddenly someone buzzed me. and that someone is none other than the one person i've ever truly heart in my whole life, 'kami'. the first sentence she wrote, 'just in time'. it made me wonder, in time? for what? hm... and then she continued, saying she just finished editing a photo. ooohh, was what i said in my mind. she started the photo sharing and put on the photo. i viewed it, and indeed, after seeing it everything we did together flashed in my mind. in just a fraction of a second, the photo made me looked back to the past and remembered all the happy and sorrow we had. its nostalgic. thats the most suitable word for me to describe the photo.

a collage


nerdnutz said...

its OUR collage ;))

Unknown said...

haha.. indeed :D
thx to you of course~