Thursday, October 16

just a thing or two

The clock shows 1.39pm, exactly 1 hour and 21 minutes before my last anatomy tute for this semester. I can’t believe that i almost finish my first year in medicine, in just two days time. Of course, the exams are coming but still, its been a year already? How times fly. So fast you didn’t even notice you’ve reached the end. I don’t know why i write this post. Perhaps its out of boredom? Or is it because of my new vision towards ambition? Nahh.. i guess i’m bored.

Back to the topic. 1 year passed by. It’d take a whole lot more than this post to recap everything that happened in this 1 year. To make it short, ill just put up some pictures so you guys can figure it out yourself.

merdeka 2008

kfc replacement


transition camp med 1011


due to my laziness, i didn't upload some of the other pictures which i think were significant to the year.

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