Friday, October 17


a favourite sport by many, require high skills, technique, teamwork, last but not least, of course, passion. like all other sports, the sport itself has its own etiquette, and the players are all expected to have the sportsmanship value in them. but today, while i'm playing the sport, i witnessed the exact opposite of the 'should be' value. eagerness, envy, impatience, what else? you name it.

i didn't realize when all this started. perhaps when there's more and more people came down, waiting on the side for their turn to perform while there's only one court. or maybe even because the players themselves have no respect for other players. i don't know and i wont comment anything on this. but i do feel bad and somewhat sad because i am one of those people. i too felt angry, and i almost said things which i know i shouldnt. fortunately, my self restraint was there to pull my thoughts, and i remain silent, acting innocent, and just followed what others did.

it's well known that futsal is supposed to be enjoyable, where everyone plays together, sometimes put on some skills (for those whose skillful), and most important of all, teamwork. that's the main point why the game has 5 (or 6 or more) people isn't it? so that every teammates could pass the ball to each other, working out ways to penetrate through the opponents defence together and finally, score a goal.

yes, a one man performance would give you the utmost respect from other players. but is it worth it? is that what you came to play for? if yes, then why don't you go for a shot at professional futsal club. why don't you go and play with the pros, on the international level, where you can get even more recognition. why did you come down to a turf, where everyone gather, just to play a sport they love the most, and to have fun. you're good, yes, everyone can see that. but like a malay saying, 'bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh'. if you play by yourself, you'll just put your team at risk, and when you lost, you blame others for your own mistake. not everyone is as good as you, and that's why they went there, to play, and improve themselves, so that perhaps one day, they could stand on the same league as you.

i didn't write this to criticize. it's a reminder, for me, so that i won't behave the same way, just like some people did. what i saw today (and a few other days), was regrettable. hopefully, it'd be better.


~Biotech Boy~ said...

skill is nothing laaa... =p

Unknown said...

hehe.. some times skills help. but some other times, its useless.

adib, x bgtau de blog eh? hooo....

~Biotech Boy~ said...

wandai pnyer psl la niee..
dengan xsngaje aku terbukak pintu ati aku ntuk blog nie..cisss..

p/s: alaa..xde ape pon, wat ilang bosan jerkk..=p