Tuesday, November 18

torquay = torki ?

the other day, i took the opportunity to follow those who haven't gone back to Malaysia for a trip to torquay beach. as the name says, its spelt torquay, hence i assumed its pronounced tor-qu-ay. then again, i was proved wrong when my friend told me it was called tor-ki. i wonder why do they put the letters there if it's just going to be silent. hm..

anyway, the trip began with a pretty sad start. well, for me at least. i don't know how or why, but i was left behind when everyone else is already on the road, off to torquay. when i decided that it's far too late from the designated time, i called one of my friend. and here's how the conversation goes,

me: assalamualaikum, s. weh, kot kat bilik ke? tak gerak lagi? lambat gle nih.
s: waalaikumsalam. eh, hasip. aku, kat dalam keta ah. ko katne ni? ko takde ke?
me: hah? korang da gerak ke? aku tak tau pun. ingat korang tak gerak lagi. gerak lambat ke.
s: takla. kitorang da sampai city da ni. eh, ko tertinggal ke?
me: da sampai city?! ye ke? hm...
s: jap jap. (perbualan dalam kereta. tak clear)
me: erm... s. takpe ah. korang gi ah. takkan na patah balik plak.
s: jangan ah cakap camtu. ko macam da down da. takde pape nye. jap lepas ni aku call ko balik.

i don't really know how i felt as soon as i heard the word 'city'. should i be sad, angry or instead happy and laughing? i really don't know. after the call, i just stood there, in front of my laptop, waiting for another call. and about 10 minutes later, my phone rang.

s: hasip, ko tunggu jap. nanti ade orang datang amik ko. ko siap-siap a dulu. k? kitorang tunggu ko.
me: eh, takpe ah. takkan korang na patah balik. da sampai city da tu. takpe ah.
s: takpe takpe. nanti ade orang datang amik. ko tunggu je. k? da, jumpe nanti. ko siap-siap.
me: okla. assalamualaikum.
s: waalaikumsalam.

and there i was, waiting for someone to pick me up. they're willing to turn back, even after they've reached the 'city', just to fetch me. it takes about 30-40 minutes just to get there. to turn and go back to the 'city' will take around one hour. still, they come and pick me up. haha, i don't know how else to thank them. although, i don't even know who's fault was it at first to leave me.

but, the fact that they wasted all the time to come back for me, even though they could have gone straight and arrive at the beach earlier is a good enough reason for me not to be angry. instead, i'm happy, because i barely know all of them very well and yet, they'd do what they did for a newcomer like me. i guess, that's what you call friends. haha.

the rest of the day was spent by strolling around the beach, snapping pictures of the amazing scenery, and not to forget, the unforgettable first time experience of surfing! haha. yeah, it sure was a lot of fun. for those who happened to be involved in the trip, thanks a lot guys! you guys made the day. lain kali boleh aaa buat trip lagi. jangan ade tinggal lagi sudaa... cheers!

*the conversation don't actually goes word by word as written. but it's something like that :D


Anonymous said...

hasif dan kisah hidupnya...nice blog..

Unknown said...

anise: thanks for d compliment! yup, its all about me and my life. sebagai kenang-kenangan di masa depan. hehe.