Monday, December 8

goodbye aussie. malaysia, here i come

when i'm writing this, i'm just a few hours away from my flight back to my hometown, malaysia. being here all alone for one whole week taught me something. people are precious.

as most of the undergrads have already gone back, i basically stayed here with the postgrads. it's not bad, though most of them are of course, already married. however, having people to talk with somehow makes my one week stay here a lot shorter. on the good side, i get to play with all the postgrads' children. they're all so damn cute! wish i could have one. later on. :D

also, since my flight is on the 9th, i get to experience the eid adha celebration here in australia. well, it's completely different in a way, because here they don't allow animal slaughtering in public, humanely or inhumanely. so, no cows and goats being tied to the tree outside the mosque, waiting patiently for their cues. no people gathering outside the mosque after the eid prayer and 'khutbah' to see the slaughtering. no strong men each showing off their strength holding the big cow struggling for his life, soon to be cooked and eaten. and the best part of all, no people volunteering to clean up the slaughtered cow, especially the guts. if you have ever seen people doing it, you'll know.

still, there are some things that remains. and that's the open house. i'm lucky to have attended two open house today. if not i won't have any idea of what to cook! so the open houses covered my meal for the rest of the day. haha. on the first open house, the most significant dish that i think was delicious is the 'nasi arab'. phew, wish i can have that again. thanks to fahmy for that. one more next year? hehe. and on the second one, wow, i can never leave this one out. the 'satay kambing'! absolutely splendid! i think i had like 15, 20? pretty sure it's more than 10. well, the main reason is because it's not always that you can eat such delicacy here. so might as well just enjoy and savour the taste while it's there aite? thanks to abe eddy for this. :)

that was my eid here. hope my family back in Malaysia had a wonderful one too. see you guys soon! my stay in australia this year has truly been a great one. and hopefully it'd be even better for the years to come. cheers mate!


Anonymous said...

selamat hari raya qurban and selamat bercuti

Unknown said...

haha. thx dino. selamat hari raya Qurban to you too! n hope to see you on paan's wedding? hehe

Amirul Hafidz said...

Selamat hari raya. One week? I'm stuck here all alone for one month! Haha.

Anonymous said...

ouit..sampai malaysia dah?welcome home dude!haha.:)

Izham Ismail said...

selamat hari raya, bro. kirim salam orang malaysia.

Anonymous said...

hai.. my name is Ince Achmad. do we have a connection?? because my mom said that my grand grand grand father is come from zohor, malaysia. this is my email : it's also my YM id. please reply. thanks.