Monday, November 16

home sweet home

i am merely few hours away from my flight back home to malaysia and i can't bear to shut both my eyes! haven't been sleeping for almost 20 hours now, and i am forced to stay awake or risk missing the flight scheduled early in the morning.

exams just finished couple of days ago. how i felt like an unbearable load has been taken off my chest! phew~ weren't the best exams period, but i think i did alright. hopefully better than last year's at least. and please dear God, let us all excel in this exam! (:

now i have to make plans for the summer break. though plenty has been set by my family without my presence, i still need to come up with a masterplan, of something light and fun. recreational time i would say. oh yeah, to you, i've bought the present as requested. now you have to hold your end of the deal. hehe. i want burger king! see you when i got back!

as crazy as it sounds, i've filled the two days gap before i go back with plentiful of walking, window shopping and gifts scavenging. oh yeah, scavenging alright. no mistake there. though it may not exactly be in the garbage or waste deposits, but it reflected just how desperate i am to find the presents within just two days! i think i've used up more energy in that two days than i have if i played soccer for one full game. just great.

i guess this would be my last post from australia, for this year. this year's been pretty exciting, with various good and bad things happened throughout the whole year. but i'm glad that it makes me who i am today. for i am still grateful with whatever i have left. haha. as if i've had much more before. anyway, may the coming years be even better. i have a dream to accomplish, and it won't be achieved overnight. so yeah, work on it hasif!

goodbye australia! see you again next year!

1 comment:

Amirul Hafidz said...

Have a safe trip man. Do give me a call whenever you come to KL.