Wednesday, September 22

'10 Tahun Sebelum Merdeka, 53 Tahun Selepas Merdeka'

While the video is still fresh in my memory, I thought I'd pour everything I had in my mind while viewing the short film '10 Tahun Sebelum Merdeka' here.

Back in high school, we were taught how the people of Malaya gained independence from the British government through negotiations, discussions and agreements between both political parties representing the people and the British administration. While watching, I remembered having learnt about 'Malayan Union', 'Perlembagaan Rakyat' and 'Perlembagaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1948'. But little did I know about the movement of the PUTERA-AMCJA through their proposal of 'People's Federation'. And soon after the 1948 constitution was enforced, we were taught about the uprising of the Communists and how the British government captured those thought to be involved with the movement.

The video however, portrayed the 'Anti-Communists' operation merely as a front face to cover the hidden agenda behind it, to suppress and limit the liberation of the people of Malaya. In school, we were taught everything about one side of the people's movement, that is from the right wing perspective. Although we were given insight on the left wing perspective towards independence, they were not absolutely true and bias and deviations from facts were unavoidable. This video merely showed what the left wing parties, 10 years before we achieved our independence were trying to do.

After finishing the film, I wondered, "Did we get off on the wrong foot?". "Did we built a wrong foundation for our lovely country?". "What would happened it things were to go along with People's Federation' back in 1947?". According to the video, 'Perlembagaan Rakyat receives enormous support from people all over Malaya at that time, and in accordance with the protest against the British decision to neglect the people's voice and proceed with the 1948 federation, the Hartal rally/movement was introduced. If back then we already gained '1 Malaya', we wouldn't have to go through the troubles to achieve it now, when we have plenty other things we can focus on.

Nevertheless, all that happened 60 years ago, before we achieved our independence. History cannot be re-written, but it can serve as a reference for us not to repeat what we did wrong in the past. These times are crucial moments for us young generation of our country. The next 10 to 15 years will determine the shape and direction of our future Malaysia. The Malaysian youth today are often poised as the future leaders of the country, ever since we begin our education until we reach the age for liberty. Will we remain a country, separated by racial differences, spoken language, cultural diversities or will we become a country united by our similar history, passion and love for the country and the future Malaysia we intend to build?

I don't want to sit idle by while these changes take place. I want to be among the small units contributing to these changes, shaping it the way it ideally should be for every Malaysians. I want to help construct the better future Malaysia for all my fellow countrymen and women to live in. But I cannot do this all alone. Can we achieve what we once had 10 years before our independence?

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