Monday, October 4

When Politics Went Wrong

Correct me i'm wrong, but I thought, politicians are supposed to be the voice of the people. Why? Isn't politicians got where they are today because they are chosen by the people? Didn't they contest in the elections, against many other politicians alike, to represent the majority of the people's voice? That's why when they won, they will have the ability and the say to empower what the people's want. They can bring forth to the government and express the people's need and what they require.

But I think politics in Malaysia is somewhat the other way round. It's not that the people voted because they want to choose the very best candidate to represent them. Instead, its the candidates that goes out to them and offer them what they want. And when the politicians rose to win against their competitors, what happened to all those offers? What happened to the people's voice?

I haven't read the news for quite some time. When I read it today, I find it very saddening for the fact that all these politicians, they argued not because they want to deliver what the people have entrusted to them. But they argued because they BELIEVED that they have been chosen to deliver what they THINK the people want. Why don't you go out and meet with those people who voted for you, ask them what changes do they want and what are their expectations from you. If it is truly the same as what you've been fighting for, then go ahead, continue with your actions, your voices because that's what the people expect you to do. But if its not, then what should you do? Step down and make way for other candidates who actually represent the people's voice?

No, that is not the appropriate way to go.

First, why don't you accept the fact that you've been struggling for the wrong things all these while. People make mistakes, no matter how big a position you hold and how many supporters you have. People will ALWAYS make mistakes. But through this mistakes that we learn to grow by reflecting and not repeating them.

Secondly, try to fix all the wrong things you've done. Instead of saying what you THINK is the people's voice, began saying what REALLY is the people's voice! And then follow that up with actions, progress and finally deliver it to those people whom you owe them because they've sacrificed their time and energy to vote for you.

You might receive enormous challenges, criticism and plenty of obstacles, hardships along the way. You may see your name often comes out in the news because of the voice you brought with you. But rest assured, if what you do is FOR the PEOPLE and not for YOU, I believe you will prevail in the end. 

Imagine we have 26M people living in Malaysia, and out of that, only a small fraction goes on to become politicians. And if you do things for the sake of those 26M people instead of the small group of politicians, I think you should know the answer using simple maths.

So please, stop publishing all this arguments on who should be what and what should have been done when it already happened. Think of solutions on how you can provide the best for those people you're representing. Only then, I believe, we'll see some changes. Only then, I believe, Malaysia is truly the place to live in for ALL Malaysians. Isn't that what we all want?

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