Tuesday, April 25

the worst thing...

just like the title, the worst thing that i never expect to happen occured to me today. well, it's not really worse but to me it is as never before in my life's history something far more worse than this happened. i'm not goin to write about what happen or the details. just to ease myself, i wrote this post. the thing i'm saying about concerns the matters of life and death. well, to me it is. nonetheless, it's good just for me and Him to know. after that incident, i'm so thankful and lucky that i'm given the second chance. oh.... thank God!!

there are still so many things to do and to achieve. still so many things left unnoticed, that need to be taken care of. still so many things left puzzled and needs to be solved. but we will only know it once we've grow older or we're just about to be gone for good, and there are just isn't enough time to get what we wanted, to achive what we've hoped for, to settled all the things that's been left unnoticed, to put all the pieces of puzzles together and not to forget to realize what our dreams before. but not for me. i knew now that there isn't much time to be wasted just by sitting around, hanging out and doing nothing. i've been enjoying myself too much that i've began to forget what my dreams are. how i'm going to make it true, how i'm going to achieve it, how i'm going to make sure that i'm able to hold it tight.

ok, maybe you're thinking i'm just talking nonsense. it's all crap. but alas, i just wanted to express my feelings. that's what blogs are for right?!! everything written above is what i felt after that thing. together with what i've write, is the fear that i felt. you'll know if you're in my position during that incident. you'll feel the fear. but, i hope you won't get into the same thing as i've already experienced it and it's absolutely, totally not good. i'll remember the thing until the end of my life and i hope that it is really the worst thing and never again it happen. and so that's it, the worst thing...


aNiS_HaDi said...

Other than the grammar mistakes I saw from this post, what I can say is:-
Syah, just take what had happen as lessons in life..He mite probably want to remind you of something u have been taking for granted but this shows that He still loves you..Just be grateful that he still loves you and is giving you that special chance to fulfill ur goal in life..All the best to u my bro..

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