Sunday, August 1


This month has served as more than just another month for me. Plethora of things happened and you wouldn't believe that it all happened in just one month!

First off, 3rd of July 2010, marked the most important day ever happen to my sis. Well, maybe the second most important if you count in the day she was born. Congratulations kak ngah, cause from this day onwards, you're no longer just another sis and daughter. You've become a devoted wife, and later a mother, and perhaps a granny. Oh yes, believe it, you're old :b I remembered back when i was young, you're always the fierce one compared to kak long. You're the stingy one too, if you remembered. But yet deep down I know you always love your family to bits. When circumstances demands, you'll step up and offer your assistance. And though you may not be the most matured (you are kinda childish at times), but advices you gave in times of hardship and difficult remains meaningful. Please, please, please be more soft to my brother-in-law will ya? Don't torture him too much like how you tortured me in the past :D Again, I wish you both the never ending happiness and bliss until the end of time!

Next, the 10th of July 2010. This time its the wedding reception at the men's side. It's like repeating the wedding day all over again. Seeing all the happy faces, chattering about the bride and the groom in their white wedding dresses, and especially seeing the look in both my sis and my brother-in-law as they sat on next to each other gives me a sense of satisfaction, relief and at the same time, grateful. My sister has finally found her partner in life.  I'm truly happy for her and I hope she'll forever smile alongside her husband. A smile may not cost a lot, but dear sis, yours is worth more than any sum named (:

15th July 2010 is when i boarded the plane back to Melbourne. So long my family. Until we meet again the next time I come back. It never occurred to me that no matter how many times I parted with my family, the feelings will always remain the same as the first I did so. I thought that with repetition of the parting process, the feelings will eventually grow out of me. But it never did. And this time, I said goodbye to them with a heavy emotions building up inside me. I managed to cover it up well I think, running off quickly to the immigration, only managed to catch a glimpse of their faces, waving to me with a smile on their faces. I guess they too didn't want me to be caught up in this mind game. I'll see you guys again in a couple months time, insyaAllah. 

And then came the 19th of July 2010. A week prior to this date, I was told about the event that will be held here in Victoria. And within his one week, my president in club worked his ass off, along a few others committee members and volunteers to ensure this event went as planned. It took us less than a week to secure a venue, hire the technician for projectors, find a performer and came up with the event tentative. Alhamdulillah, praise be to God we managed to pull this off and the event day turned out fine with only some minor glitches.Communications and teamwork proved to be crucial at times such as this.

I bet everyone in Australia wouldn't forget the 22nd July 2010. This was the day the most mind-boggling movie featuring veteran actor Leonardo DiCaprio was released. Inception is the name. Although I only watched it 2 days later, the movie made it as one of the must-watch movie in my list for the year 2010.  I don't want to spoil the movie for those who haven't watct it yet, but trust me, you won't fall asleep when watching. Or maybe you're already asleep but you just didn't know it? Better watch to find out.

Last but not least, 31st July 2010. The last day of the month, and also the day I had the most fun within the month. KuEh ski trip! KuEh stands for Kuam-Ehsan and the event was a joint collaboration between the two organizations. We went to Mt Buller for a snow experience. The days and effort leading up to this day traced back to several months ago and on the day itself, it was a bit messy earlier in the morning with some people showing up later than they have to and the committees loading up items to be brought for the entire trip. But at the end of day, everything turned out just fine. I bet everyone had their fair share of fun and falls (for those who just learnt to play ski/snowboard) and these memories surely will bring laughter when recalled. I for one, had the chance to practice my rusty snowboarding technique. After one year of retirement (I didn't go last year), I forgot about how to ride the board. But practice makes perfect. Though it took me a while, I finally figured out how to steer, break and perhaps some tricks? Well, I definitely have to go again next year to see if what I gained that day worth the time spent.

I managed to go up until the Holden Express top and slide down the hill from there.

All in all, July, you made it as the most exhilarating month of the year, for now. With 4 more months left, let's see if you managed to hold that top spot.

1 comment:

zizul said...

nak komen ye?total piece of crap.useless blog, by useless guy.